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Just what I've been looking for! A clean theme that uses actual color (other than black or grey) and that employs smooth color gradients for a simple, yet beautiful, 3D effect that isn't obtrusive!

Any chance of making variants using the other colors from the original Outlook 2003 themes? I believe that, in addition to blue, that one also had green and silver varieties.

Edit: I'm not using RSS feeds, but near as I can tell, this IS now working with TB 17.0 Everything else is working perfectly.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.17.2) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Hi geok,

Thank you for your comment.

Sorry, I'm not planning to create other color schemes for my theme, but I'm considering create some configurator for it. To be honest right now just lack of time prevents me from this.