Nessun voto

Sorry, but I don't like the approach of these latest versions at all. It used to be that when you wanted to view a page in Firefox as if you were using IE you would see the IE page in a tab within Firefox. You stayed within Firefox. Thus you could have a single browser with several different tabs; both Firefox styled pages and IE styled pages. By default now, the current approach is to simply open up the IE browser. How stupid! If I wanted that I could have done it myself. IE View used to be a very useful tool. Now I have had to toss it on the trash heap of history. Adious.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (1.3.7) del componente aggiuntivo. 

Tim - I think you're confusing IE View with IE Tab -- a different extension, based on IE View, that behaves in the way you're expecting. IE View has *always* launched IE View as a separate app.