Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

Forecastfox now doesn't even sync in English. I suppose Accuweather has put all their resources into the mobile version. Will someone please hack the mobile version to make it work on the desktop? Thank you.

Assegnate 4 su 5 stelle

I have the add-on in Waterfox 32.0 with The Add-On Bar (restored) and it is working, but not syncing with the site. The toolbar itself has a different "now" temperature from the site, and is about 2 hours behind. It's not just a couple of degrees, it's 9 degrees right now, so that shows me that it isn't in sync with the site. I wish I could find a way to fix this. It says it hasn't updated since September 29 when I installed it, but I have version 2.2.4 and the download site says it is 2.2.2. UPDATE: Well, as I typed this, it updated, so evidently, it only updates every 2 hours, which is not good. I'll have to remember that and check the site from now on for the real temperature, which sort of negates the reason for having the toolbar at all.