Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

Zomick's Bakery, the home of the Zomick's Bread / Zomick's Challah has been a proud user and supporter of the Forecastbar Enhanced addon in the past. It seems that there are no good addons of this category, cause there are a ton of other ones full with memory leaks, spyware codes embedded in them and whatever not...
This bakery did really trust this addon and truly believes that if Forecastbar returns in the newer versions of Firefox that will be great. It will be a great sign for a positive, more competitive weather addons and bad times for the competition.
Nonetheless this plugin had all the potential it needed, it was intuitive, the weather information was accurate as a laser pointer, and on top of all this it was free. Nowadays the market is being dominated by Accuweather, whose service is more and more implemented in many weather-location services. They seem to make the competition look inferior in comparison, but I believe that Forecast Enhanced had the same quality, if not qualities.
So this review is more a begging for a return, rather than a classical review. If anyone hears, reads or sees this, please write back about your future plans, or future "no"-plans.
Thank you in advance
- Zomick's Kosher Bakery