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Informazioni sullo sviluppatore
Nome Merwenus
Utente da Nov. 5, 2008
Numero di componenti aggiuntivi sviluppati 0 componenti aggiuntivi
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Le mie recensioni


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No hungarian language

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Thumbnail Zoom Plus

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It is like gyficat, but IMGUR's format. GIFV, is it possible to implement support for it? Thanks

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Focus Regainer

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Something is fishy with, just found out. Maybe can you add an option to put whitelists where not to run? :)

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Flashblock Ultimate Alt Zero

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Just to uprate, stupid Mishkat. -_-

Focus Regainer

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How can I add a custom hotkey? Like I use F4 (simple, no ctrl, or anything else) to close tabs. Or F5 for refreshing page, can you please tell me what lines do I have to add to focusregainer.js to make it work? thanks

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Easy DragToGo+

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Perfect, except one thing, when you drag N drop an image from a TAB to another TAB to (search in google images), it also opens in new tab.
Can you make an option to disable TAB to TAB gestures?

Usually open pictures in a new tab with right (->) moves, thats why it also opens pictures in new tab when drag and dropping to another tab.

Hope you can understand me :D I can be very complicated sometimes.

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I meant this, this is the current Favicon:

The G is the old one.

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No idea, the google's favicon should be fair enough. :P But it's up to you. ;)

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Thumbnail Zoom Plus

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Work as described, nice work.
+1 idea, shouldn't show the 'throbber.gif' in the first 1-2 seconds, it can be very annoying when it popup only for 0.1 second, but everytime. :)

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Easy DragToGo+

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When drag&drop a picture from explorer/total commander to, it opens the picture in a new window, but it is totally unnecessary. Same problem with new google images search when dragging a picture on the right place, it opens the picture in a new tab....

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Firefox is using 1.6gb of memory after a lot of pages(30++), and with the new version (v0.7).
It is normal, they are gifs, but when I close the page, the memory usage is still 1.6gb+.

With v0.6, the memory usage after closing the page from 1.6gb lower down to 400mb in few second, but not with v0.7.

After a few hours of using firefox, because of autopager it becomes unstable, and slow.

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Stylish - Custom themes for any website

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"The editor is actually provided by Firefox. There is a bug report to add undo/redo key support - . If this isn't fixed by the time Firefox 8 is released, I will implement a workaround."

Even if it is true, the v1.2.1 has different editor, not the best, but at least it has undo/redo. v1.2.3 still has the same buggy editor. And btw the previous icon was way much better.

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Stylish - Custom themes for any website

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Congratulation on the new editor, without UNDO/REDO option, and ctrl+Z / Y option don't work.

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Element Hiding Helper per Adblock Plus

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Can any1 tell me what happened with the ctrl+shift+k hotkey? o.O

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Gmail Manager

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Stopped working a few days ago. always 0 message in statusbar.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.6) del componente aggiuntivo. 

ChatRoulette SideBar

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Still Buggy, and looks like this:

ChatRoulette SideBar

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It not works for me, only a blank background with the chat panel, the whole
#CAMS id is missing , but the idea is great!

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Анимированные смайлики Вконтакте

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and how does it work?

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.9) del componente aggiuntivo.