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ChiudiSubject Manager cronologia delle versioni
18 versioni
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Queste versioni sono visualizzate solo per scopo di test e archivio. Dovresti sempre utilizzare l’ultima versione di un componente aggiuntivo.
Versione 1.2.0
* Format and update settings for independant counters can now be defined independantly for each counter.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 1.1.2
* The computation mechanism of modifiers has been improved and enhanced so that the usage of spreading metadata (uppercase versions) cannot get incorrect dates (e.g.: February, the 30th!).
* bugfix: If no default subjects was set then the addon update did not complete thus leaving the addon with undefined values which may lead to unpredictable behaviour and crash (addon and/or TB) (bug introduced in v0.5.0).
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 1.1.0
* Metadata can now be precised with a numerical modifier to add/subtract the modifier value to the related metadata. This allows to calculate yesterday, last month, next year, etc.
* Subjects can now be exported to and imported from file.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 1.0.0
* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the v58/v59/v60 TB barriers (previous version was only really compatible with TV <= v57).
* Due do its long-time stability and the absence of requests for new realistic features or upgrades, the addon versioning has been moved to v1.x.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.5.2
* A new debug option allows to export settings in a file, allowing to send it to support contact.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v56.* to v59.0.
* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the "v57" TB barrier.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.5.1
* Filters tab in settings dialog offers now a help button to describe the feature.
* Filters subjects feature offers a new metadata to insert the subject of the received message: %S (described in the help button). This metadata is only handled for filters subjects.
* bugfix: For filters subjects, in some cases the detection of the identity of the recipient for the received message did not work.
* bugfix: If case-sensitive was disabled and a subject was modified with only changes about case-sensitivity then changes could not be saved.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v52.* to v56.0.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.5.0
* In settings dialog, if 'advanced mode' is enabled, then a simulation of the selected/modified subject is displayed.
* In settings dialog, default subject can now be picked in a list containing all subjects of the main list. It is still possible to set a subject which is not one from the list.
* Behaviour of interactive settings dialog has been enhanced.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v45.* to v52.0.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.4.3
* Some code snippets have been optimized.
* bugfix: The addon was in conflict with another addon ("mrc compose"). When opening compose dialog the initialization crashed.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.4.2
* Settings for identities' account are now displayed in italics in individual counters list.
* It is now possible to update current subject which was previously inserted during the same composing session, thus updating special values such as time and date values.
* If 'focus email body once a subject has been picked' is not checked then default behaviour is to return focus to subject field.
* bugfix: Counter values for identities' accounts were not handled properly (inserted value was always '1').
* bugfix: For TB >= v38 individual counters values were not handled properly and value was always '1'.
* bugfix: Some settings changes in settings dialog were not activated until TB was restarted.
* bugfix: Default subjects containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v38.* to v45.0.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.3.5
* bugfix: If global counter was set to be updated when any individual counter was updated, as when saving and/or sending, then global counter was updated twice (=incremented by 2 instead of 1).
* bugfix: When clicking 'reset to factory default' button, final message advising to restart TB wasn't displayed.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v26.* to v38.0.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.3.4
* bugfix: When installing or upgrading the addon on MacOS systems with Gloom not installed, no information popup dialog was displayed and the addon crashed.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v21.* to v26.0.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.3.2
* The 're-initialize auto-completion' is not displayed anymore for TB >= v5.* because it is only useful for prior versions.
* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird starting from v20.*.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v20.* to v21.0a1.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.3.1
* Inner counter meta-data has been modified: it has been turned into a 'global' inner counter and metadata has changed from '%c' to '%g'.
* Advanced mode offers now 3 meta-data: each account can have a dedicated inner counter which is incremented each time it is used ('%i'), hours on a 12-hours clock format ('%k'), and 'AM/PM' information ('%p').
* Individual counters can now handle distinct counters for each unique identity of a same account.
* Settings dialog offers now a GUI to handle counters meta-data: user can change values and set when counters are updated.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v16.* to v19.0a1.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.2.4
* bugfix: Automatic prefixes lists containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v12.* to v16.0a1.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.2.2
* 'Automatic prefixes' tab page from settings dialog has been redesigned.
* Alert dialog when installing or upgrading addon has been replaced by a popup dialog.
* bugfix: Default subjects containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.2.1
* A default subject can now be set to be automatically inserted as soon as compose dialog is opened.
* bugfix: Insertion point was not resetted between composing sessions, thus resulting in unpredictable behaviour when inserting a subject using one of these 2 modes:
- append to the beginning of current subject + append to the end of previous picked subject
- append to the end of current subject + append to the beginning of previous picked subject
* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v10.* to v12.0a1.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.1.9
* Autocompletion can now be case-sensitive or case-insensitive (thanks to Vinser). This option can be chosen in settings dialog.
* Subjects management (add, sort, etc.) can now be case-sensitive or case-insensitive. This option can be chosen in settings dialog.
* A button has been added in settings dialog to clean and reset all settings to factory defaults (useful when upgrading addon version to delete obsolete parameters or to reinitialize all settings).
* When adding a subject in settings dialog, listbox is set so that new subject is visible.
* In settings dialog, new subject textbox is now spellcheck-compatible.
* In settings dialog, 'Add' and 'Remove' subject buttons have no more label but icon. 'Sort' icon has been changed.
* Toolbar button icon is now greyed-out when button is disabled.
* The way subject textbox is handled when autocompletion is disabled has been improved to make it the closest possible to native behaviour.
* Subject textbox autocompletion has been enhanced to reduce conflict with other potential autocompletion modules.
* Subjects list setting has been enhanced to optimize stability.
* Russian translation has been added (thanks to Vinser).
* Swedish translation has been added (thanks to Mikael Hiort af Ornäs).
* bugfix: Adding a subject which was exactly a piece of an already existing subject was considered as adding the same subject twice, then subject was not added to subjects list.
* bugfix: Autocompletion crashed when adding a subject containing special characters (ex.: double-quote) (thanks to Vinser).
* bugfix: Subjects list and autocompletion array were not updated when adding a subject through custom 'Subjects' button until subjects list was displayed again.
* bugfix: When updating addon a second custom toolbar button was added to toolbar even if a previous custom one was already displayed, thus 2 toolbar buttons were displayed (for TB v2 only).
* bugfix: Compose dialog title bar was not updated when picking a subject from the list.
* bugfix: In certain circumstances, subjects list was corrupted when resetting settings.
* bugfix: With a subjects list containing 10 subjects or more, picking a subject with an index higher or equal than 10 filled subject textbox with a wrong subject.
* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird v3.* to v9.*.
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
Versione 0.1.1
* A minimum height of native subject textbox has been set. Thus, it is not too narrow when auto-completion is enabled (nb: this depends on the used theme; for many themes this won't be a visible change (e.g: native Linux theme)).
- Codice sorgente rilasciato sotto Licenza GNU General Public License, versione 2.0
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