CannaFox Marijuana Add-On 0.7.1-signed.1-signed Requires Restart
توسط klaas
SeedFinders CannaFox Marijuana Add-On connects the threads from 38+ homegrow forums worldwide with more than 4500 medical marijuana strains. You also can search and browse through seedfinders cannabis-strain-database directly from your sidebar.
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After installing the addon, you will first notice no differences in the browser. No flashing buttons or extra menus, Cannafox is chilling discreetly in the background. If desired, you have the following options:
- Dynamic Button
You can add a dynamic button to your browser menu bar. Simply open the Firefox menu "View / Toolbars" and click on "Customize". Now drag&drop the SeedFinder logo into one of your menu bars, for example in the bookmarks-toolbar. This button have several functions:
- Bookmark to the SeedFinder
Usually the button acts as a bookmark for SeedFinder.eu and is subtly colored light green. If you hit the button, a new tab with the seedfinder will open.
- ThreadFinder Button
If you're browsing through threads in the connected forums, the button act as a note about possibly connected cannabis varieties to the actual thread.
- If there are connected strains for a thread...
...the color of the button will turn to a dark red. If you hit the button, the CannaFox-Sidebar will open and you can find straininfo, links and more about the connected strains. - If there are no connected strains for a thread...
...the button will be colored dark green because youre into a thread - but there was no strains connected up to now. If you hit the button, the CannaFox-Sidebar will open again. Use the Upload-Tab in the Sidebar to connect a strain to the thread.
- If there are connected strains for a thread...
- Bookmark to the SeedFinder
- CannaFox-Sidebar
To open the sidebar you can simply use the keyboard shortcut Alt + W or you will find the CannaFox in your browser menu "View / Sidebar". You also can use the dynamic menu button (see above). In the sidebar you will find all the features and options of the CannaFox Marijuana Add-On.
- ThreadFinder Forum Tools
In the first two tabs you'll find the thread finder functions. If you surf through the threads in one of the forums, the associated cannabis varieties will appear in the sidebar. Click on the names of the varieties and find - across all connected forums - all other threads associated with this strain! Of course there is also a link to the strain-info for the variety. Using the upload-tab in the sidebar, you can also connect the thread directly with a strain! All previously connected threads you'll find also - ordered by breeders and varieties - onto SeedFinder's ThreadFinder page.
- Strain Search + Marijuana Strain Info Browser
In the sidebar you will also find a tab for a strain-search where you can either browse the strains - or directly enter a keyword to search for strains onto the SeedFinder! The data about breeders and varieties will come from the SeedFinder API and are always up to date!
- ThreadFinder Forum Tools
The CannaFox will not save any personal data, no page hits, surfing habits or similar stuff. Strain-data or actual information will not retrieved from SeedFinder until it's really needed - and deleted from the cache when the browser is closed. An user account or registration at SeedFinder is also not necessary to use the add-on!