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Me Hincha
Ahora también podés decir todo lo que te hincha en Facebook!
Descargá tu botón ME HINCHA para utilizar en Facebook y contale a todos tus amigos que te hincha.
Únicamente disponible para Mozilla Firefox.
Style the web your way- provides a GUI that allow web users to change the look-and-feel of arbitrary web pages to something more pleasant and accessible.
Requires Restart
While you're surfing your favorite pages/topics on the web TipTopic informs you on who else is browsing the same pages/topics and is interested in/ available for discussion. Enjoy live dialog with your favorite topic followers while surfing the web!
Kardia CRM Add-on for Thunderbird
Requires Restart
(beta) Integrates with the Kardia CRM system, to provide information about the people in the Kardia CRM database directly via Thunderbird.
NOTE: This add-on requires a Kardia CRM server (see description for more information).
Requires Restart
This extension adds a menu option (and a toolbar button) to compose an email "with attachments"... Extension
Requires Restart
Track and Map packages from the right-click menu...
Copy Link Name for Thunderbird
Requires Restart
It's like Copy Link Name for Firefox but for Thunderbird!
TB Properties
Requires Restart
Wanna know more about a link or image you see in Thunderbird? Do you really really really wish there was a properties box with the info about objects? Well..
LilyPond It!
Requires Restart
Automatically change LilyPond music score into images in your HTML mails.
Tabbed Mail Preferences
Requires Restart
Enhances control over some aspects of tabbed mail browsing.
Complete master password
Requires Restart
The goal is to avoid to have to enter the master password on application startUp.
The extension is not self-sufficient, a script has to extract the master for a secure storage like gnome-keyring, then to transfer it through an environment variable.
Hide Clear List Button
Requires Restart
Hide the "Clear List" Button in the Download Manager.
Splash! (Compatibility Update)
Requires Restart
Adds a splash screen. Supported in Firefox, Flock, Thunderbird, Sunbird, eMusic Remote, Songbird and Sunbird.
Requires Restart
Monitor Whatever: a tiny Firefox extension called whatmon, which can monitor almost anything you wish to monitor. Number of logged on users? Current load average? Health of your LDAP servers? Mail server queues? No problem for...
conceptERP eMailexport
Requires Restart
Exportiert eMails in das Contentmodul von conceptERP.
Mail Size Report
Requires Restart
Report current size of mail with attachment files in status bar
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.