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Babylon Dictionary Word Search
Requires Restart
Find the definition for a selected word in a web page or an email.
Right click over the selected word, choose the option "Search in Babylon" and that's it! You will have a new window with the definition of the selected word.
Advanced Unread Folders
Requires Restart
Adds a folder view showing unread folders, including their hierarchy. This is helpful if you have a lot of folders to make sure you don't miss an email, or if you are not happy with the existing unread folders view.
Requires Restart
Sets Firefox/Thunderbird Locale to Windows (MUI) Language on startup
New Mail Attention
Requires Restart
This addon calls attention to main window on new message arrival.
Reply As Original Recipient
Requires Restart
Reply with the From: field set to the To: field from the original email.
Read2Me "speechify the web"
Requires Restart
Webpage and email to speech extension using festival or any speech engine that can handle plain text files. This version has removed the option to use the embedded Flite-1.4 component on linux.
Requires Restart
1) adds column with percent likelihood that a message is spam, 2) extends junk status column to show why a message was classified as junk/good, 3) adds an Uncertain folder for messages needing user decision.
Chat Notifier with Pop-Ups
Requires Restart
Allows to be notified when you receive chat message in Thunderbird.
Change Referer Button
Requires Restart
Button in the toolbar/status bar to change referer value.
Personal Level Indicators
Requires Restart
Shows an indicator so you can tell if an email was addressed only to you (»), a group (›), or a mailing list.
Add-ons Button
Opens the Add-ons window to perform tasks on your installed Extensions, Themes, Plug-ins and Language packs.
Rikaichan Japanese-Hungarian Dictionary File
Requires Restart
This is a dictionary file add-on for the Rikaichan extension.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.