
Latgalīšu volūdys pareizraksteibys vuordineica

Biblioteka latgalīšu volūdys pareizraksteiys puorbaudei Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, Fennec

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1 user

Tibetan Spellchecker

Tibetan (bo) spellchecker at syllable level (not composed words).

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1 user

Dictionary of Spanish / Nicaragua

Dictionary of Terms of Nicaragua, Spanish dictionary based internaconal, adding support on behalf of cities and fruits, animals, plants, references, local echos and terms accepted by RAE.

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32 users

Tagalog/Filipino Dictionary

A Tagalog/Filipino Dictionary (tl) for Pale Moon, Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey.

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1 user


Venetan spellchecker for Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey using the spelling of Mauro Trevisan.

To enable, right-click in a multi-line text box, select "Check Spelling", then select "Languages" and then "venetan".

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22 users

Spanish (Mexico) Dictionary

Spanish (Mexico) spell checker dictionary

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
7,925 users

Profile Switcher

Adds options to launch other profiles.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (21)
3,006 users

CPS Test Pro

Test your CPS (clicks per second) and practice different clicking techniques.

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2 users

Unicodify – Text transformer

Easily and quickly transform text to “Unicode fonts” and change the casing.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (3)
471 users

DevTools Button

Adds a DevTools Button, opens the Developer Toolbox

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845 users

Zeiler-Sutto Latin Dictionary

Novum dictionarium orthographicum ad usum cursus electronici. Centum et triginta milia sermones (ex opera Sallustis, Ciceronis, Cæsaris, Ovidi, Vergili, Catulli, Taciti, Senecæ, Nepotis) continet. Carolus Zeiler & Johannes Petrus Sutto præparaverunt.

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181 users

Charset Menu

Restores the charset menu removed in Thunderbird 91 and fixes an issue in Thunderbird 78.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (9)
5,446 users


* List addons: max version on ATN, version installed, compatibility with TB 91, description
* Show addon compatibility on addon button
* Print, copy to clipboard or email
* Indicate missing addons upon receiving the email from another TB ('sync')

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162 users

POPFile Jump


インストールするとツールバーにPOPFile Jumpのボタンが表示されるので、メールを選択してボタンを押してください。


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24 users


Once you close Thunderbird you will no longer be able to see your new emails. This plugin keeps Thunderbird active in the background, meaning you can still receive your new emails after closing the app. Use this when the app is in the startup.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (7)
1,708 users


Lightweight solution to simplify unsubscribing from newsletters

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (16)
1,878 users

Copy Patch

Copy email content to clipboard for application as patch. Applies some filters, e.g. Outlook Safe Link unmangling, to ensure patch cleanness.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (2)
88 users

SPAM Check for OCN

- SPAM Header Checker for OCN(Japanese Internet Provider)
- This plugin looks at the header of the mail and assigns a "junk mail" mark.
- Only if the header (X-CON-SPAM-CHECK) of the mail is set to 100%, it will be marked as "spam".

Rated 1 out of 5 stars (1)
61 users

PrintingTools NG

PrintingTools NG enables many layout and formatting options for printing messages with header borders, sorting, attachment lists etc. PDF output can be auto named and Page options can ease printer settings.

It is your printing toolbox.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (46)
31,088 users


Automatically close old tabs when opening new mails.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (3)
372 users