Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Does not work at all unfortunately...

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Is this supposed to add a send and archive button or something? I can't figure out how to use this.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

After having tried a similar add-on which then became obsolete with TB updates, I am really excited to see that somebody has come up with what I think should be a integrated feature in TB itself, because it makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE (at least for me!) in dealing with important flows of email. Unfortunately I have installed it but it doesn't work, in the sense that what I would expect when I reply to an email is to find a new icon "send and archive" (or a new one to custom), but for now it is just as if I hadn't installed anything. If there is anything I can do to help (as a user, I am not a programmer) I would be VERY happy to do so, and also to change my stars to five :) sorry I have used reviews because I can't seem to find any other say to contact De Bortoli. Good luck Federico, keep it going for heaven's sake! :)

UPDATE! I have just realized that the app works, in the sense that every email I reply to is automatically archived. The fact is, one may not always want to "send and archive", so I feel that what this plugin should offer is a seperate "send and archive" option in the menu bar of the replied-to email, either creating a sub-menu in the "send" option or (perhaps more simply) creating a seperate icon "send and archive", which woudl also be easier to use I feel. I hope this helps!

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Proprio quello che serviva per tenere in ordine la casella della posta in arrivo!
Lo uso da qualche giorno e sembra andare tutto bene, archivia in automatico le email e le discussioni alle quali si risponde.
Se posso, ci vorrebbe un pulsante vicino a quello di invio, che permetta di inviare l'email senza archiviarla. A volte è comodo tenerle nella posta in arrivo.
Comunque ottimo, grazie Filippo!

Rated 2 out of 5 stars

This is a really important facility, and I've installed it. But I can't see how it works.

Hi, thank you for trying out this extension.

It is still in a very preliminary version, I am going to add more documentation as soon as it starts working as intended.

Meanwhile, I would be very happy to hear from you what features you would expect the extension to have. :-)