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CloseTrack Package Version History
27 versions
Be careful with old versions!
These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Version 3.5.1-signed.1-signed
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 3.4.1-signed.1-signed
- Fixed a couple Javascript global namespace issues.
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 3.2.1-signed.1-signed
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 3.1.1-signed.1-signed
- Context menu tracking now checks the history for the correct carrier before attempting to determine it via the definitions.
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 3.0
Added optional private browsing mode support to Firefox (for tracking history).
Added support for SeaMonkey 2.0+.
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 2.9
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 2.7
Fixed handling of tracking numbers with spaces in Thunderbird.
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 2.6
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 2.5
- Source code released under Custom License
Version 2.1
- Packages tracked via the Google Maps feature will now go into the Tracking History.
- Packages in the Tracking History can now be tracked with Google Maps (if feature is enabled).
- Individual tracking history items can be deleted using the delete key.
Version 1.8
Version 1.7
Version 1.6
Version 1.5
Version 1.4
- Added cancel button to options screen.
Version 1.3
- Fixed bug where smart-sense Track Package option would appear in context menu even if there was no valid regex match.
- Added proper uninstall (deletes all trackpackage preferences).
- Fixed bug with default regex preferences.
Version 1.2
- If a tracking number is already linked, the existing link will likely get mangled.
- If there is text on the page that resembles a tracking number (e.g., an order number), there is a good chance it will match as a tracking number and be linked. There is no way around this; you just have to know what numbers are supposed to be tracking numbers.
Version 1.1
Coming soon:
- Pulling regex and URL def's from a file over the internet. No more downloading a new version when a carrier changes their URL format!
- Toolbar button that automatically turns all tracking numbers on the current page into links to the appropriate carrier's page.
Version 1.0
Version 0.3
- Fixed preference problem causing the extension to break for first-time users.
Version 0.2
- Added Thunderbird support
- Fixed DHL support
- Added option to open tracking page in tab instead of window
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