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Requires Restart
Use your mouse-wheel to select the next message by placing the mouse over the right hand side of the message list pane and then scrolling.
NuevaSync Push Email Synchronization
Requires Restart
NuevaSync provides push sync services for email and more for iPhone, Android, and other smartphones. This add-on displays real-time sync status in the Thunderbird status bar, and offers easy NuevaSync account setup using your Thunderbird settings.
From/To Column
Requires Restart
Add a “From/To” column which shows the recipient if you are the sender.
Viadeo Tab
Requires Restart
Cette extension ajoute le réseau social français, Viadeo, un bouton d'accès à ouverture simple et rapide dans Thunderbird.
D'autres médias sociaux sont disponibles également.
Limit_Offline_Message_Size Button
Requires Restart
Limit the size of a message to download with a single click of the button for slow (and/or expensive) network connection.
Quick access to Tools->Account Settings->Disc Space->"To save disk space, do not download: Messages larger than XXkB"
Tag Sequence
Requires Restart
allow you to change the tag sequence, hence change keyboard shortcuts
Linux Growl
Requires Restart
Sends linux notifications using notify-send when a new email or a RSS feed is received.
sudo apt-get install notify-osd
Mail Miner
Requires Restart
Automatically adds incoming e-mail addresses to a chosen address book, while fetching data via web services like Rapleaf and Qwerly.
KDE Wallet password integration
Requires Restart
This is an extension that allows firefox use kde's kwallet password manager to store passwords.
Patch to Alert Invalid Addresses
Requires Restart
Shows alert if there is any invalid address in sending message.
Reinstall Last Installed Add-on
One-click reinstall last installed addon, useful when developping restartless addon
Kardia CRM Add-on for Thunderbird
Requires Restart
(beta) Integrates with the Kardia CRM system, to provide information about the people in the Kardia CRM database directly via Thunderbird.
NOTE: This add-on requires a Kardia CRM server (see description for more information). Extension
Requires Restart
Track and Map packages from the right-click menu...
LilyPond It!
Requires Restart
Automatically change LilyPond music score into images in your HTML mails.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.