
Google+ - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Google+ - The #1 Google+ Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Google+."

(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)


Binary App Dev

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2 weekly downloads - Search Google WAY FASTER than

Search ON KEYPRESS so you don't even have to press enter. also shows results from WolframAlpha, Twitter, Flickr, Wikipedia, Hulu, Vimeo, YouTube on the side... Check out the site even without downloading at

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (7)
2 weekly downloads

Google PL-German-PL

Google search on German language-based pages, using Polish language.

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Google Stackoverflow

Searching through Google.

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Google (Language: FR)

French language-specific Google search.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (5)
2 weekly downloads

Google Forum(discussion) Search

Conduct Forum(discussion) Searches using Google's own Search Engine Modifiers.

This is the only option to search forums within Google (using their modifiers).

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (2)
2 weekly downloads


Use Google SSL to search Google+ posts
This Opensearch plugin is faster and uses less bandwidth than the default Google+ search plugin which uses a lot of images.
Includes Google Suggestions (wowee).

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2 weekly downloads

Google Dictionary English-French

Search engine for Google Dictionary French <-> English.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (2)
2 weekly downloads

Google Català

Cerca a a través dels cercadors de Firefox

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
2 weekly downloads

Google South Africa

Search Google South Africa (ZA-EN)

Rated 1 out of 5 stars (1)
2 weekly downloads

Balloon Search

Mecanismo de pesquisa do Balloon com resultados e sugestões de pesquisa do Google.

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Southern Europe

Search within Southern Europe countries (Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Vatican City)

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Google Plus Search

Google Plus Search without logging in.

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2 weekly downloads

Google Webmaster Forum IT

Cerca nel Forum Webmaster Google in Italiano con Firefox

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2 weekly downloads

Shopping - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Shopping - The #1 Shopping Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for shopping." - Deals & Discounts - Binary App Dev (End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (1)
2 weekly downloads

Google UK (SSL)

Search using via SSL to protect your search query and results from snooping by third parties. Particularly useful when using unsecured wifi.

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2 weekly downloads

SISTRIX Toolbox Suche (DE)

Suche nach Domains/URLs/Keywords innerhalb der SISTRIX Toolbox unter

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News - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

#1 News Search - Search: CNN, Reuters, U.S. News, Time, Business Insider, ABC News, CBS News, NBC News, BBC News, The Guardian, BuzzFeed, Reddit, &more! Binary App Dev (End-to-End Encryption & SSL Suggestions)

Rated 1 out of 5 stars (1)
2 weekly downloads

3 Maps

3maps iLoveVitaly prOject is a maps for travellers, bloggers, dreamers and everybody, who use maps and address search, with a wide choice of services which reduce costs, dramatically improve the quality of your travel!

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (6)
2 weekly downloads

Google.DE Privat

Google Deutschland Private Web Suche - die personalisierten Suchergebnisse unterbinden.

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2 weekly downloads