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Google Forum(discussion) Search
Conduct Forum(discussion) Searches using Google's own Search Engine Modifiers.
This is the only option to search forums within Google (using their modifiers).
China - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)
China - The #1 China Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for China." Binary App Dev (End-to-End Encryption & Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
Flickr Blogger
Flickr Blogger FindFree Images for Commercial Use/Site With only Attribution
HCT Transportation package delivery tracking
Package delivery tracking of Taiwan HCT Transportation - wyszukiwarka teledysków to serwis udostępniający najnowsze i najpopularniejsze teledyski online za darmo.
Use Google SSL to search Google+ posts
This Opensearch plugin is faster and uses less bandwidth than the default Google+ search plugin which uses a lot of images.
Includes Google Suggestions (wowee).
Science .PPT
Science in a Microsoft PowerPoint .PPT file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | |
... die Suchmaschine für Testberichte - Wissen, was wann wie getestet wurde ...
NASB Search
Search through the New American Standard Bible (NASB) with ease. Powered by BiblePub.
Compare Hotel Rates
Search the top travel and hotel reservation web sites simultaneously to find the lowest hotel rate instantly and compare them side by side.
How to use it?
Simply type a City Name (not a country name) in the search box and hit enter. that's it
Translate Romanian to English
Translate romanian to english with google translate service.
Orthonet (French lexicon)
French lexicon proposed by the Conseil International de la Langue Française (, available on the site
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.