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Madara's RapidSearch
Madara's RapidSearch is a modified google search form that expedites finding the RapidShare files you want.
Гадание по книге перемен
Позволяет из командной строки гадать по книге перемен на сайте
Drauzio Varella
Informacoes sobre saude, doencas, gravidez, medicina e qualidade de vida. Entrevistas com medicos renomados e artigos Suche
Schnelle und bequeme Produktsuche für über die eingebaute Suche von Firefox!
Pixmania (FI)
Pixmanian hakukone. Meiltä löydät kaikki High Tech -tuotteet: iPhone-puhelimet, GPS-laitteet, kannettavat tietokoneet, digikamerat Dictionary - Diccionario
Allows searches using Andinia Dictionary (specializing in outdoor activities, expeditions and exploration, survival and first aid, sports and exercise, ecology and environment, travel and adventure) through the navigation bar of Firefox.
Anureon 1.0 Beta
Este complemento te permitirá buscar directamente en Anureon sin esperar a que cargue el buscador de tal página.
Es muy útil desde mi punto de vista.
The Book Search (aka German: DieBuchSuche)
Find books easily, compare about 100 mio. books (including ebooks) from various sources (about 100 shops are included in the search engine). New books, used books, audio books, collectibles or newspapers - find everything that is currently ion stock.
UTFPR Search
Este plugin realiza buscas diretamente no site da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR).
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.