Google Suid-Afrika SSL AF 20130217
by bacVake
Google Suid-Afrika SSL soek in Afrikaans
This add-on has been marked as experimental by its developers
About this Add-on
Google is die wêreld se mees populêre search engine. Hierdie search bar add-on maak gebruik van SSL om soektogte te beskerm tussen u en Google, maar dit maak jou nie anoniem (onthou, Google logs en behou alle navrae en IP-adresse).
Privaatheid NB: Alle soekterme word gebruik en in stand gehou deur Google in ooreenstemming met hul Privacy Policy. Google gebruik koekies, logs en behou soekterme, IP adresse, en ander persoonlik identifiseerbare inligting. Google anonymizes IP-adresse na 9 maande en koekies in 'n soektog logs na 18 maande.
Privacy Policy: https://www.google.co.za/intl/af/privacy.html
Google is the world's most popular search engine. This search bar add-on utilizes SSL to protect searches between You and Google, but it does not make you anonymous (remember, Google logs and retains all search queries and IP addresses).
Privacy Note: All search terms are utilized and maintained by Google in accordance with their Privacy Policy. Google uses cookies; logs and retains search terms, IP addresses, and other personally identifiable information. Google anonymizes IP addresses after 9 months and cookies in search engine logs after 18 months.
Privacy Policy: https://www.google.co.za/intl/af/privacy.html
Privaatheid NB: Alle soekterme word gebruik en in stand gehou deur Google in ooreenstemming met hul Privacy Policy. Google gebruik koekies, logs en behou soekterme, IP adresse, en ander persoonlik identifiseerbare inligting. Google anonymizes IP-adresse na 9 maande en koekies in 'n soektog logs na 18 maande.
Privacy Policy: https://www.google.co.za/intl/af/privacy.html
Google is the world's most popular search engine. This search bar add-on utilizes SSL to protect searches between You and Google, but it does not make you anonymous (remember, Google logs and retains all search queries and IP addresses).
Privacy Note: All search terms are utilized and maintained by Google in accordance with their Privacy Policy. Google uses cookies; logs and retains search terms, IP addresses, and other personally identifiable information. Google anonymizes IP addresses after 9 months and cookies in search engine logs after 18 months.
Privacy Policy: https://www.google.co.za/intl/af/privacy.html