
Science Stack - Academic Search Engine

Academic Search Engine for research paper from Mendeley and PloS. Science Stack provides is useful for finding relevant material and building a bibliography. You have a full scientific library at the click of a button.

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Combine top performers: PubMed & Sequere - Find scientific information, articles and patents - For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and specialized websites.

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Science .PDF

Science in a .PDF file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites.
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Science .PPT

Science in a Microsoft PowerPoint .PPT file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | |

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ChemSpell database has over 1.3 million chemical names from ChemID Plus (National Library of Medicine)

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Science .DOC

Science in a .DOC file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | |

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Science .XLS

Science in an .XLS file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | |

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