Rated 5 out of 5 stars

The Linux Version of DeepDark 2.2.1 works beautifullly for me with TB 14 on Lion. The only screen that's screwed up is Add-ons Manager/Get Add-ons, which one can manage without (temporarily switch themes to use it). And its beautiful and really nice to use.

One very very minor feature is that the highlighting of a selected mail in the mail list pane is not very prominent and hard to see on my screen - a more contrasting colour would be an improvement (say yellow).

I've tried later versions of the theme with later versions of TB but they don't work so well because menu backgrounds have been made transparent which makes menu items over other text unreadable - I'm hoping the author will fix this because its VERY close to being perfect as a mac theme too. Personally I'm delaying upgrade of TB beyond 14 because there is no dark theme (I know of) that works beyond 14 with mac. There is *one* other that works with TB14 on mac but having now tried DeepDark I prefer it and will stick with it if I can.

If the author will contact me (I've emailed) I'm happy to test other versions on Lion with later TB versions to get this going for Mac with TB 17 and on - good dark themes for Mac TB will I'm sure be high on many peoples' wanted list.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (3.0.6).