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Extension for Lightning: Allows the use of Markdown in Task descriptions and renders them as HTML in the TaskView.
Custom sync interval for Lightning Calendar
Requires Restart
Allows custom synchronization intervals for remote calendars imported by Lightning Calendar (no fiddling in about:config necessary)
Addon Compatibility Check for TB 102/TB 115/TB 128
Checks all installed add-ons for compatibility with Thunderbird 128 (or TB 102/115) and displays status information on a button in the main toolbar. This button will open a detailed overview, including links to alternatives for abandoned add-ons.
FileLink for Plik
Plik no longer offers uploads without an account. So the add-in currently only works for self-hosted instances of the software. Currently I cannot promise a date for a fix. Sorry.
Balochi Spellchecker for UniBal Script
This add-on is a Balochi spellchecker based on the UniBal Balochi script.
This is a pre-beta version as the dictionary has 1000+ words and not all Balochi Affix rules are implemented.
Please use it and give your feedback
Tatar spellchecker dictionary
Tatar dictionary for spell-checking in Firefox and Thunderbird.
Орфографический словарь Firefox и Thunderbird для проверки правописания татарского языка.
Flat Folder Tree (updated)
Flat Folder Tree enables you to selectively breakout sub-folders under intermediate folders in the folder pane view. This is an updated version of the existing addon, now compatible with Thunderbird 60.
Toggle Word Wrap
Requires Restart
Toggle word wrapping and <PRE> element wrapping in the message composition and HTML display windows, respectively. Based on original version by Kaspar Brand.
enUS deDE bilingual dictionary
This is a bilingual dictionary for American English and German Standard German.
It is meant for users who regularly write in German and English.
With it, you will not need to manually switch between dictionaries for the two languages.
Folder Colors
Requires Restart
A fork of "Color Folders" (aka "Colored Folders") to support TB 68+. Applies custom colors to the folder tree in Thunderbird.
This add-on is superseded in TB78 by the built-in folder-color changer (in folder > Properties).
Sender Domain
Adds optional columns to the messages pane.
Example : ""
* domain column -- ""
* reverse domain column -- "com.example"
Bulk organize your messages by domain (eg. remove spam, back up, separate in folders)
Reply All Button
Add a "Reply All" button which never behaves like "Reply List". Intended to replace the Smart Reply button to avoid accidentally performing Reply List behavior.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.