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Music-Downloader. Fast music find and easy download (mp3,flac,wav).
Google Translate ANY => RU
Translate ANY language to Russian with Google Translate.
百度翻译 translate to fre
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译 - 任意语言 翻译为 法语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to French
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
Dictionary of the Spanish language (Seach Engine)
This extension installs the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy's search engine in the browser and allows to search definitions (in Spanish) for any word from the search bar. - Download Free Software
Contains freeware, demo and shareware programs to download in several categories. Also features latest updates and most popular downloads. Suche
Suche nach dem aktuellen Wetter und der Wettervorhersage der angegebenen Stadt auf
Eccellio Web - Search Engine
Eccellio Web is a faceting Search Engine based on Google. Eccellio is a collection of specialized Search Engines focused on different topics, like Science, Movies, Arts and Sports.
It's Google simplicity with one additional single click.
Dictionary Switcher
Requires Restart
Toggles dictionaries automatically or manually and displays the currently selected one
Colorize entire web pages. Configure themes using sliders and drag-and-drop. Set domain preferences for automatic coloration.
Requires Restart
One Click Validator. Provides you a button to validate a page using a validator like w3c or another user defined
Images - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)
Images - The #1 Images Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Firefox."
(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
Binary App Dev
Whois Lookup & Hosting & DNS & Site Flags Firefox
Requires Restart
IP Whois Lookup & Website Reviews & Rating. Display country flag indicating website location. Alexa and Norton Antivirus Site Adviser. Supported: GoDaddy, NetworkSolutions, Dotster, 1and1, NameCheap, Register, Yahoo, 123-Reg, FatCow, Enom, FastHosts.
Tumblr - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)
Tumblr - The #1 Tumblr Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Tumblr."
(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
Binary App Dev
Free MOZ
Free MOZ - Directory Search : Search a simplistic DMOZ general web directory interface with integrated Google PageRank™ display + website preview thumbshots.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.