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Onde comprar e vender de Tudo. Nova Ferramenta de busca de produtos no mercado livre que agiliza sua vida.
SoundCloud - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL)
SoundCloud - The #1 SoundCloud Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for SoundCloud."
(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
Binary App Dev
Weather - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)
Weather - The #1 Weather Search Add-on - Search: Weather . com, Weather Underground, Yahoo Weather, Intellicast, Accuweather, and many more!
(End-to-End Encryption & SSL Suggestions)
Binary App Dev
Google & Bing (w/ automatic language detection)
Compare the results of Google and Bing. Search Google & Bing at once!
Translate Croatian to English
Translate croatian to english with google translate service.
NyaaTorrents Search
This plugin allows users to easily search NyaaTorrents for latest anime/manga releases or just Japanese stuff in general
Motherpipe Privacy Search
Motherpipe is a privacy search engine. No tracking, no cookies, just search. Adds Motherpipe as the Firefox search box, address bar and right-click default search engine. Now with Twitter.
Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzer |
Deutsch - Englisch übersetzen mit
(nicht offiziell)
Pixabay (Search Engine)
This extension installs Pixabay's search engine in the browser and allows to look up for Public Domain / Creative Commons CC0 photos directly form the search bar using a SSL/TLS encrypted connection.
Amazon Austria -
Search Amazon Austria ( with suggestions from the most popular items in Amazon
This search extension supports the following sites
Translate English to Japanese
Translate english to japanese with google translate service.
News People
Recherche des People et Stars qui font la Une des News People et de la Presse People (magazines, journaux TV et presse cinema...)
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.