Rated 5 out of 5 stars

To get this to work in Firefox 3.0

Right-Click on the big green download button above, and choose "Save Link As"

Open WinRAR and then drag the file you just saved, "auto_copy-0.8-fx.xpi" onto the open WinRAR window.

Drag "install.rdf" from the WinRAR window, onto your desktop.

Open notepad, then drag "install.rdf" from your desktop onto the open notepad window.

Look for the line that says 3.0b5. Change it to 3.0 (it's only in there once)

Exit notepad, and choose save when asked.

Back in WinRAR, Right-Click on "install.rdf" and choose Delete Files

Now drag your new edited "install.rdf" on to the open WinRAR window, and click OK.

Close WinRAR.

Now drag "auto_copy-0.8-fx.xpi" from your desktop onto an open firefox window, and click "Install".

It didn't seem to work at first, but after going into the options for the Add-on,


and putting a tick in the "Deselect After Copy" and "Blink On Autocopy" boxes, it works great. (it still works if you go back and un-tick those boxes)

Hope that all made sense, and is of help to some of you :)

To save you the bother, here is a link to the edited file.


This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.8).