Auto Compress File Version History

19 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 1.1.1 88.3 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 60.*

* Settings dialog has been slightly redesigned.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v57.* to v60.*.

* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the v58/v59/v60 TB barriers.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 60.*
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Version 1.0.1 88.1 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0

* Some code snippets have been optimized.

* bugfix: An error message was displayed in error console when closing dialog if no file had been compressed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0
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Version 1.0.0 88.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0

* Debug messages are now timestamped with local time.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v56.* to v57.0.

* The addon has been upgraded so that it passes the "v57" TB barrier.

* Due do its long-time stability and the absence of requests for new realistic features or upgrades, the addon versioning has been moved to v1.x.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 57.0
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Version 0.5.10 88.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0

* A new debug option allows to export settings in a file, allowing to send it to support contact.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.5.9 88.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0

* Cyrillic alphabet has been added to character replacements list.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v52.* to v56.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 56.0
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Version 0.5.8 86.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0

* bugfix: If 'debug log to file' mode was enabled and writing to file encountered an error, then the addon enters an infinite loop which makes TB consume all computer ressources.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0
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Version 0.5.7 86.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0

* Behaviour of interactive settings dialog has been enhanced.

* Some french typos have been fixed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0
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Version 0.5.6 86.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0

* Interactive settings dialog offers now 'Tick/Untick all files' buttons.

* Interactive settings dialog has been enhanced.

* bugfix: If the settings 'Compress only selected attachment files' and 'Compress all attachment files if none is selected' were enabled, then no compressing occurred if no file was selected.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v48.* to v52.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 52.0
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Version 0.5.5 85.6 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 48.0

* Some minor design changes.

* bugfix: An error message was displayed in error console when closing dialog if no file had been compressed.

* bugfix: For TB >= v31.* the recipients filtering did not work.

* bugfix: Some error messages could be displayed in error console when composing dialog was opened if the main icon was not displayed on the toolbar.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v32.* to v48.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 48.0
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Version 0.5.3 85.5 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 32.0

* The addon offers now an 'interactive settings' mode: this mode displays a dialog at the beginning of the compressing process allowing to select attached files to compress and to set some settings (compression method, renaming pattern, filters).
This dialog offers also to keep current settings as default settings.

* It's possible to define some default settings for interactive settings dialog, such as value of several checkboxes.

* Activation/desactivation of filters is now related to compression method, allowing to have complete independant values for filters of independant compression and filters of global compression.

* Some localized strings have been changed to be more relevant.

* The addon allows now to filter files which have been backuped on a remote service such as cloud, preventing to compress attachments which have already been handled through TB feature called 'filelink'.

* The addon allows now to log debug information directly into a user-defined file.

* Design of interactive settings dialog has changed.

* When updating addon, changes and modifications of settings (if needed) are done right at TB start, and not anymore when opening compose dialog.

* When updating addon, if main icon has been previously removed from toolbar then its display is not forced anymore and it is left in the customization palette.

* bugfix: In certain circumstances, handling of parallel runs did not block automatic compressing through "auto-save-as-draft" whereas another compressing was already in progress.

* bugfix: When performing a global compression, simulation process crashed and files were compressed even if compression ratio did not comply the filter (bug introduced in v0.4.0).

* bugfix: When sending message, if compressing was cancelled through interactive settings dialog then TB acted awkwardly and may stay blocked and/or send the message twice.

* bugfix: In action modes 'send' or 'save', no additional compressing was possible if 2 compressings have been previously launched and the 2nd has been automatically skipped because of the setting 'do not compress if at least 1 file has already been compressed'.

* bugfix: In case several files had been compressed and the last attachment was removed from message then undoing compression failed and addon crashed.

* bugfix: In interactive settings dialog, preview of renaming couldn't handle the '?s' tag (subject of message).

* bugfix: For TB >= v24.*, when clicking the 'reset to factory defaults' button, final warning message was not displayed.

* bugfix: If main icon has been removed from toolbar then addon crashed when loading while opening compose dialog, hence some initializations were not fully completed.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v25.* to v32.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 32.0
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Version 0.4.3 67.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 25.0

* When appending a previous global compressed file, user can now define behaviour if one file of the new files set has exactly the same name than another file in the global compressed file: skip the new file, replace previous file in compressed file, rename the new file.

* The addon offers now to set main settings through a "quick settings" menu into addon custom button displayed in toolbar (Nb: On Mac OS X, seems menuitems are sometimes not visibly checked when clicking on them).

* User can now decide to keep source filename extension when using global compressed file mode.

* Character replacement can now make use of regular expressions.
- Syntax for regex grouping is (group). Back-reference syntax to groups is $1, $2, $3, etc.
- Order of replacements is very important: replacement are applied one after one as they appear in the list (first: above, last: below); hence it is recommended to place replacements which use regex at the end of the list.

* Each character replacement can now be individually enabled or disabled.

* Character replacements list offers now 2 new buttons ('up' and 'down') to move one character replacement amongst the others through the list.

* Lots of non-ASCII characters have been natively added to character replacement list:
- greek characters (thanks to George Soulis).

* A new option has been added which allows to rename directly temporary files with final name of attachment. Nb: This is only useful when using some remote backup system such as cloud.

* Storage of character replacements has been changed to enhance stability using JSON notation.

* Storage of renaming patterns, sizes & ratios filters have been changed to enhance stability.

* A new filter has been added to control if attachment files are compressed or not:
- a files count filter.

* bugfix: When appending a previous global compressed file, compressing crashed if first file of new files set had exactly the same name than another file in the global compressed file.

* bugfix: When installing or upgrading the addon on MacOS systems with Gloom not installed, no information popup dialog was displayed and the addon crashed.

* bugfix: User-defined list of patterns to filter filenames which contained non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.

* bugfix: User-defined renaming patterns containing non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.

* bugfix: User-defined compression comments which contained non-ASCII characters were not handled correctly.

* bugfix: If no file was attached and compression was fired then an improper warning message was displayed ("no recipients").

* bugfix: If "auto-save-as-draft" was fired whereas compression was being performed then compressing may crash.
Nb: Please note that if some compressing is enabled when auto-saving-as-draft (see settings dialog > General > Actions > Save automatically as draft), then auto-saving is disabled during active time of addon.

* bugfix: When changing compression method through quick settings menu, the size and ratio value settings were not changed.

* The addon is now compatible with Thunderbird from v18.* to v25.0.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 25.0
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Version 0.3.1 57.3 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 18.0a1

* A new option has been added to renaming pattern to insert message subject in compressed file name.

* Execution of compression can now be filtered regarding recipients of the message being composed: user can define separated white and black lists of patterns which can control if compression if skipped or not regarding if one or all email recipients match given patterns.

* Some GUI elements and behaviour have been improved.

* Lots of non-ASCII characters have been natively added to character replacement list:
- uppercase version of all already-present characters
- islandic, danish, norwegian and swedish characters

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v16.* to v18.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 18.0a1
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Version 0.2.8 53.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 16.0a1

* Date and time formats used in renaming are now editable through settings dialog (rather than editing default preferences javascript file).

* If undoing compression is set so that a confirmation is asked, it's now possible to disable the setting through displayed confirmation dialog.

* bugfix: If renaming pattern included a dot ('.') then substring after the dot (or last dot if several) was ripped of renaming. Renaming/Doublon-check algorithm has been rewritten.

* bugfix: Context menu for attached files in attachment box was not displayed for TB starting from v8.*.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v14.* to v16.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 16.0a1
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Version 0.2.6 52.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 13.*

* Behaviour, relations and messages of settings dialog have been enhanced to improve accessibility for non-sighted people. Some tabs have also been redesigned for this purpose.

* Czech translation has been added (thanks to Zdenek Crhonek).

* Czech non-ASCII characters have been natively added to character replacement list.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v12.* to v13.*.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 13.*
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Version 0.2.4 48.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 12.0a1

* Renaming dialog offers now an option to set full name including extension rather than just name without extension.

* It's now possible to set files compressed with a custom extension (which is not default 'zip') to appear as classic archives. This appearance is only available during composing session.

* Alert dialog when installing or upgrading addon has been replaced by a popup dialog.

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v11.* to v12.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 12.0a1
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Version 0.2.3 47.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 11.0a1

* When using 'global compressed file' mode, it's now possible to append a previous compressed file if any.

* The feature which asks for name of each compressed file now uses name pattern for its initialization. This pattern is fully independant from other renaming patterns.

* New options have been added to renaming pattern to insert automatically current date or current time in compressed file name.
Nb: When appending a global compressed file, date and time are updated.

* A new specific option has been added to 'global compressed file' mode which allows to use files count included into compressed file for its renaming pattern.
Nb: When appending a global compressed file, files count is updated.

* Some help dialogs have been added in order to guide user through addon configuration.

* bugfix: Once enabled, checkbox which allows to edit compressed file extension could not be disabled by clicking it a second time, thus checkbox has been replaced by a button.

* bugfix: When compressing a file with the same name as an already-compressed file but with a different case, file was given a doublon name. Now doublon-names check is case-insensitive.

* bugfix: When using 'global compressed file' mode, compressing several files with exactly the same name (but with a different URL) added only one file to the archive (each added file overwrited previous one with the same name).

* Maximum compatibility setting has been enabled for Thunderbird v7.* to v11.0a1.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 11.0a1
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Version 0.1.2 42.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 6.*

* Messages dealing with extension of compressed files show now user-defined extension or 'zip' if user has not changed default one.

* Units for file size and compression benefit ratio are now also shown at the right of the related textbox.

* bugfix: Ratio benefit filter value was not handled correctly when resetting dialog settings.

* bugfix: Some french mispellings have been corrected.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 6.*
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Version 0.1.1 42.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 6.*

* It's now possible to enable or disable regular expressions in source filename filtering.

* Extension of compressed files can now be user-defined (useful to fool antivirus softwares in a business environment). Beware: changing default extension requires messages recipients know which attachments are compressed and how to uncompress them!

* Temporary files created while compressing are now stored in a dedicated subdirectory of system temporary directory. This subdirectory is flushed and deleted as soon as composing dialog is closed (when message is sent or dialog is closed).

* For TB >= v5, the addon installation files are not unpacked anymore in extensions directory.

* bugfix: The addon crashed when undoing compression of archives containing one or several files which are also individually attached.

* bugfix: The addon crashed when using source filename filtering with regular expressions enabled and the renaming pattern contains an invalid regular expression.

* bugfix: Some attached files were not removed when doing a global compression with 10 attached files or more.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 6.*
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Version 0.1.0 41.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 5.*

Initial release.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1pre - 5.*
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