Freshmeat 20110225
by fpmurphy, johnpfkane
Search the Freshmeat website using their internal search engine.
About this Add-on
Freshmeat maintains the Web's largest index of Unix, GNU/Linux and cross-platform software, themes and related files. Thousands of applications are cataloged in the freshmeat database, and links to new applications are added daily. Each entry provides a description of the software, links to download it and to obtain more information, and a history of the project's releases.
This OpenSearch add-on adds a custom search provider to your Firefox or Internet Explorer search bar to quickly search the Freshmeat website (freshmeat.net) using their internal search engine.
This OpenSearch add-on adds a custom search provider to your Firefox or Internet Explorer search bar to quickly search the Freshmeat website (freshmeat.net) using their internal search engine.