Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I'm South Korean.

I Like it !

Do not works version 3.3.4 by Mozilla FireFox Developer Site.(https://addons.mozilla.org/ko/firefox/addon/youtube-mp3-podcaster/)

Solutions : Connect Developer Site(http://www.glimmersoft.com/podcaster/) ▶ Lastest Windows ▶ Download ▶ FireFox Restart
- Download File(Windows OS) : *.xpi

Windows OS Download Fire *.xpi Istall method

FireFox Run ▶ Fire Fox Top Menu ▶ Fire ▶ Open Fire ▶ *.xpi Select ▶ Popup ▶ Install.


I Know Want money to you .. but .. No Have money Sorry ..

Very easy .. Engslish Sorry :O

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (