Notepad (QuickFox) Version History

52 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 2.8.6 347.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 56.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 48.0

1. This is the first release of QuickFox that is e10s compatible.
2. A few bugs related to Mac compatibility are fixed
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 48.0
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Version 301.3 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 48.0, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 48.0

1. Fixing a compatibility bug with e10s
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 48.0
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Version 295.6 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 33.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 32.0

1. QuickFox is now compatible with Australis.
2. A bug related to note decryption fixed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 32.0
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Version 294.3 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 29.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 28.0

1. Arabic locale is updated.
2. Firefox 28.0 compatibility bug is fixed
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 28.0
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Version 287.1 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 25.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 24.*

1. "it" locale updated.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 24.*
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Version 280.6 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 23.0, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 23.0

1. Send notes as email feature removed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 23.0
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Version 280.6 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 20.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 20.*

1. QuickFox project is moved to
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 20.*
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Version 296.4 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 19.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 19.*

1. Homepage item added to context menu.
2. Language packs updated.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 19.*
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Version 302.8 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 18.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 18.*

1. It is now possible to customize time format from about:config
2. To-do list counter now just counts uncompleted tasks
3. Additional new line occurred by importing notes in Windows OS fixed.
4. Homepage link added to Tools menu.
For more info visit:
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 18.*
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Version 306.5 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 17.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 17.*

1. Style compatibility with Firefox 15 fixed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 17.*
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Version 286.7 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 15.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 15.*

1. Relative path detection bug for scripts path is fixed:
2. CSS code cleanup.
3. Overlay icon changed.
4. Homepage transferred from
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 15.*
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Version 288.5 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 14.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 14.*

1. Evernote service has been shutdown (this might be permanent)
2. locales are updated
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 14.*
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Version 288.5 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 14.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 14.*

1. Application icons added to Tools -> Network panel
2. Locales updated
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 14.*
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Version 262.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 12.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 11.*

1. Drag & drop bug in Firefox 10 fixed
2. Group visibility on Windows XP solved
3. Holding shift key will force "send to QFN (details)" to be visible in right click context menu. Useful to send page's url to QFN
4. "send to QFN" and "send to QFN (details)" items in Firefox context menu now contain all notes even if QFN is closed.
5. Search tool redesigned. New search tool supports, find next and previous items, highlight all matches, replace (all)
6. Import and export functionality improved. a. Better charset handling. b. It is now possible to import a text file just by dragging & dropping it into the editor
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 11.*
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Version 257.2 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 10.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 10.*

Same as Version 2.6E (Two bugs fixed)
1. Initialization time improved (No more improvement is scheduled).
2. Archive menu redesigned
3. Dropbox is supported in Tools -> Network.
4. Context-menu's Send to QFN now supports "Send as a new note"
5. editor's title is now customizable.
6. Task management with toolbar notification.
7. Spell-checker: Ignore a single word is now available in right click context menu.
8. Options is now accessible form Firefox -> Addons -> QuickFox Notes
9. Mac and Linux GUI improved
10. Highlight all matches with Ctrl + H.
11. Selected text is now visible even when editor is not focused
12. "List all open tabs" button is only visible when overflow occurs
13. Openote project updated (
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 10.*
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Version 2.6E.1-signed.1-signed 257.3 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 9.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 9.*

1. Initialization time improved (No more improvement is scheduled).
2. Archive menu redesigned
3. Dropbox is supported in Tools -> Network.
4. Context-menu's Send to QFN now supports "Send as a new note"
5. editor's title is now customizable.
6. Task management with toolbar notification.
7. Spell-checker: Ignore a single word is now available in right click context menu.
8. Options is now accessible form Firefox -> Addons -> QuickFox Notes
9. Mac and Linux GUI improved
10. Highlight all matches with Ctrl + H.
11. Selected text is now visible even when editor is not focused
12. "List all open tabs" button is only visible when overflow occurs
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 9.*
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Version 2.6D.1-signed.1-signed 239.9 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 10.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 10.*

1. Initialization is now faster (Network codes have been moved to modular section and not being loaded anymore)
2. You can now backup your entire repository to Evernote, Local disk or Google Docs
3. By Encrypting a note, it will be marked as protected to prevent unwanted changes. Decryption will remove the protection.
4. QFN accepts relative path for sqlite database.
5. Bug related to saving local files with names containing exceptional letters (/ \ ? * <> |) is solved
6. Desktop and home folder are added to Network>Local
7. QFN asks for confirmation before deleting more than 4 notes (Just for those notes that have already been saved in repository)
8. You can now change font size by Ctrl + mouse-scrolling on editor
9. A few new buttons were added to Network panel (Backup, unlink and insert as new note)
10. Network>Simpenote fetching list problem is now solved
11. Collections are now available for Network>Google docs
12. Openote project updated (
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 10.*
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Version 2.6C.1-signed.1-signed 224.4 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 9.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 8.*

>>> Attention: Please update all your QFN scripts if you have any installed! <<<

1. List of all notes with same group tag appears at the bottom of each note
2. Saving an empty note in SQL mode is fixed
3. Thunderbird now supports all modes (Window, Tab, Application content)
4. Overwrite function is now available for Simplenote and local disk (Tools>Network)
5. Helipad cloud service is now supported (Tools>Network)
6. Thunderbird toolbar icon moved to tabmail section
7. Firefox toolbar icon changed and it will be installed automatically after first run.
8. Window icon removed from statusbar by default (Restore it from Tools>Option menu)
9. Try QFN as a real independent application (Openote project):
10. QFN now releases the sqlite database before terminate itself (It improves sync through file sync application; e.g.: Dropbox)
11. QFN now accepts text expansion from command line through -qfnappend <text> parameter
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 8.*
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Version 2.6B.1-signed.1-signed 218.2 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 8.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 7.0a2

Same as 2.6A, some compatibility bugs fixed.
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 7.0a2
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Version 2.6A.1-signed.1-signed 218.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 7.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 7.*

1. Compatible with Firefox and Thunderbird 7
2. Network (Tools>Network). It is now possible to send and receive text notes from/to Evernote, Google Docs, Simplenote cloud services
3. Some bugs fixed
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 7.*
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Version 2.5C.1-signed.1-signed 202.1 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 7.*, Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 6.0a2

1. Thunderbird is now supported
2. Start-up time improved
3. Some bugs fixed
Works with Thunderbird 3.0a1 - 6.0a2
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Version 2.5B.1-signed.1-signed 189.5 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 6.*

'Send to QFN' now allows send to all notes (If QFN is open)
QFN start-up time improved.
Simplenote-core updated to API2
QFN asks for confirmation password before encryption
Bottom toolbar is now collapsed by default
Problem with some themes solved
Some bugs fixed

Version 2.5A.1-signed.1-signed 178.9 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 4.0.*

1. Mac GUI improved
2. New interface for toolbar
3. New interface for font and color box
4. New interface for Addon manager
5. Open link as a standalone application bug fixed
5. Simplenote now uses password manager to store passwords
6. Evernote webclip;
7. It is now possible to load QFN without scripts in a certain mode:
8. (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIWebNavigation.sessionHistory] solved

Version 2.4D.1-signed.1-signed 172.7 KiB Works with Firefox 3.5 - 4.0.*

1. Extensions; QFN now get extensions:
2. Backups; QFN stores seven backups of all notes.
3. New shortcut(F8): Similar character cycling; Hitting F8 cycles over similar chars like aαàâäæ.
4. Export now give an MS-notepad friendly output.
5. Change behavior of default shortcut to open QFN in tab, or Application content:
6. New interface for Search-box
7. New 64X64 icon for FF4 add-on manager.
8. Open as standalone application resizing bug fixed.
9. Search-box count bug fixed

Version 2.4C.1-signed.1-signed 172.6 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0a1 - 4.0.*

1. Extensions; QFN now get extensions:
2. Backups; QFN stores seven backups of all notes.
3. New shortcut(F8): Similar character cycling; Hitting F8 cycles over similar chars like aαàâäæ.
4. Export now give an MS-notepad friendly output.
5. Change behavior of default shortcut to open QFN in tab, or Application content:
6. New interface for Search-box
7. New 64X64 icon for FF4 add-on manager.
8. Open as standalone application resizing bug fixed.
9. Search-box count bug fixed

Version 2.4B.1-signed.1-signed 170.7 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0a1 - 4.0.*

1. List of open Tabs in Toolbar
2. QFN will backup local sqlite database every 7 day (Only for Hard disk mode)
3. Core update
4. New locale added (sv-SE)

Version 2.4A 152.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0a1 - 4.0b8pre

1. Firefox 4 (Gecko 2) supported
2. New type of repository (Hard disk). This new type of repository is suitable for those who prefer Dropbox to XMarks; Tools>Options>Change Repository
3. New set of symbols; Right-click context menu>Symbols
4. New UI
5. New method to handle overflow of tabbar

Version 2.3C 150.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0a1 - 3.7a5pre

Update of locales

Version 2.3B 139.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0a1 - 3.7a5pre

1. Simplenote (Import and Export note from/to Simplenote server)(Easy method to access your note in Iphone, or Android phones)
2. Prints and emails will keep font family and font size of actual note
3. Selected text color in editor is now adjustable to present better visibility
4. Protected notes can now be sent to Archive
5. Quick-menu's unexpected appearance is solved
6. Quick-menu can now handle overflow

Version 2.3A 127.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0a1 - 3.7a5pre

1. Quick archive panel with search capability (Press Alt+C to fire the menu; Use Tab and Shift+Tab to switch between items); Old menu is accessible by (Alt+J)
2. Send Link/Text to QFN from Firefox main right click context menu
3. Write protecting a note from "Rename panel"
4. Show/hide toolbar buttons (Options>Toolbar buttons)
5. Two new Toolbar buttons: "After The Deadline" (Online spell, style, and grammar checker), and Bug report. Both of these toolbars are hidden by default. Activate them from Options>Toolbar-buttons>Show/hide buttons
6. Save Caret position for all notes
7. Group-text-field in the "Rename panel" now suggests existing group labels by typing a portion of exciting group.
8. One new localization (it)
9. Some new shortcuts; Ctrl+Up; Ctrl+Down; Alt+"+"; Alt+"-"; To check all keyboard shortcuts check