Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Excellent idea! Please keep working on this! It is so needed!

It definitely still needs some development. Some issues I had:

- It did not always recognize conversation threads.
- The ui only shows up in a conversation view. It would be nice if the interface was consistent even if you were just viewing a single email.
- It could perform a bit faster.
- A reply/reply all box at the bottom of the thread would be awesome.
- Messages should be automatically "minimized" except for the first and last message once the conversation goes over three or four messages.
- Minimize and maximize should be a single click on the title of the message.

All in all, I LOVE this extension. Please keep developing, polishing, and improving it. It's about time someone actually did this!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.1.2).