
Excel solutions for business

Find and download Excel templates and solutions for business analysis and productivity. Excel and spreadsheet based solutions from developers world wide are categorized based on their ability to facilitate business decision making and efficiency.

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Science .PDF

Science in a .PDF file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites.
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Science .PPT

Science in a Microsoft PowerPoint .PPT file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | |

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Science .DOC

Science in a .DOC file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | |

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Science .XLS

Science in an .XLS file. For researchers, students and people focused on scientific matters. Search through hundreds of accredited scientific journals and plenty of specialized websites. | |

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