Rated 3 out of 5 stars

It's nice to switch between dictionaries. However, on Linux, thunderbird uses the dictionaries installed on the system. By installing the german and english dictionaries, you automatically get dictionary for austrian german or for australian english. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure, my system does not only provide en_GB but also the -ize'ed and -ise'ed variants of it.

Now there are 3 issues:
- The plugin doesn't sort the dictionaries and they appear in random order making it hard to find the right one (e.g. de_DE or en_GB) in the list
- The plugin does not allow to blacklist/whitelist and of the dictionaries. For example, I basically need 3: en_GB (if possible the -ize'ed variant), en_US, and de_DE for my email. Yet, the list contains all dictionaries that I will never use.
- The dictionary variants of en_GB don't appear in the list and I cannot chose whether I want the -ize or -ise endings.

Hence, only 3 of 5 stars.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (