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Имя taff178
Пользователь с Фев. 24, 2010
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Мои отзывы

Session Manager

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

A great add-on. I do lot of wrinting and translating work using the internet. For each text i need to open a lot of web pages i use for my writing. Before i kew this add-on, it was a pity to store all the pages in a bookmark-folder and recall the pages when i continue the writing work I stopped the day before. With session manager this has become much easier and faster. I have not finished my work ? No problem: store the session. The next day recall the session and continue the work.

Session manager works well together with Tree Style Tab, a Tab manager. Working with several windows and in each window 20 to 25 pages open in a tab is no problem, I don't get lost, keep the overview. I no more want to work without this add-on. Thank's a lot !

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SmartSave Thunderbird Extension

Рейтинг 4 из 5 звёзд

Really good add-on. I used it oftenly to export old mails i want to archive. It helps to maintain TB content light.
Unfortunately it doesn't work with TB-3.0.1 although it is indicated (TB 0.8 to 3.0.*). Hope this will change, I miss SmartSave since I upgraded TB to 3 and I can't downgrade TB-3 to TB-2.