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Имя jacko9000
Пользователь с Дек. 4, 2017
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Мои отзывы


Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

On which Firefox/Android combination is this meant to work? For example, the menus are still black text on a white background. All I get is a half-hearted, mid-grey toolbar.

Material Dark

Рейтинг 1 из 5 звёзд

Just installed Firefox Nightly v59.0a1 (2017-12-03) on CyanogenMod 13 (Android v6.0.1, Euphoria Dark).

First of all, where does Firefox get off by not just following the system colours? I shouldn't have to install a theme. The system is already themed. Each individual component (e.g. status bar, button, menu) has its colour already defined so, if other apps can use these colours, why can't Firefox?

Secondly, having reluctantly installed a theme, for the above reasons, all components are still the same, standard black text on eyeball-burning white background.

Mozilla, I don't care how "cool" your browser is. If you can't figure out how to use Java support libraries v4 and v7 to do the simple things I said above, then it's unlikely that any Material Design themes will work.

Having said all that, if anyone has any ideas, please let me know; otherwise, how do I submit a rating of zero? I'd much rather just be proved wrong, however, and end up with a Firefox which looks like....the rest of my apps. How about it?