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Giles Carré

Обо мне

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Имя Giles Carré
Пользователь с Фев. 16, 2021
Число разработанных дополнений 0 дополнений
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Мои отзывы

Simple Mail Redirection

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Sorry, I made a mistake in my analysis. My long line wrap problem only appears when the Thunderbird interface is in French.
Simple Mail Redirect has nothing to do with my problem.
Thanks again for this extension, which works perfectly.

On May 4, Günter Gersdorf wrote:
> Simple Mail Redirection does not have any lines which could wrap. So what are you talking about?
> On May 4, Giles Carré wrote:
>> I have a new problem: long lines don't wrap correctly (text or html mode received messages).
>> I use a combination of extensions and TB interface language, and the behavior varies according to the combinations:
>> - en_us interface without Simple Mail Redirection: wrapping ok
>> - en_us interface with Simple Mail Redirection: wrapping not ok
>> - fr interface without Simple Mail Redirection: wrapping not ok
>> - fr interface with Simple Mail Redirection: wrapping not ok
>> My configuration: Ubuntu 21.04 Wayland + TB 78.8.1 + Simple Mail Redirection 1.10

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.14).  Этот пользователь ранее оставил 1 отзыв на это дополнение.

Simple Mail Redirection

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Il like this very useful extension.
Since today, may be with the update 1.10 feb, 15, 2021, I obtain just a blank window.
It worked well before. I use Thunderbird 78.1.1 on Ubuntu 20.10.
Thanks in advance

Hi Gunter,
Thanks for your answer.
Sorry, I have done a typo mistake, my Thunderbird version is 78.6.1.
So I have tried an extension downgrade to version 1.9 and it works. Then, a new upgrade to 1.10 and the problem of blank window persists.
The version information of 1.10 says : 78.5.0 or more. Is the minimum 78.5 or 78.7 ?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.10).