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Имя chosenbygrace
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Мои отзывы

Session Manager

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I think 19 or 20 it freezes firefox so u have to crash it And if u upgrade from 18 or 19 to 20 something like that it causes problems launching firefox after a crash, which is weird because even tho the task manager shows no firefox running or anything related, it's as if session manager is still on somehow but hidden, because not even crashing explorer causes the prob to go away, u have to reinstall again or restart ur computer.

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"by ChoGGi (Developer) on October 24, 2011 #

cutebuttons adds icons, not actual buttons"

Would it be too much of an inconvenience for you to make an addon that adds a new tab button? To compliment the one missing from the Toolbar Buttons addon? Please?

Ok, then it must be the Toolbar Buttons addon that it disappeared from. I used that addon too.

update 12-27-2011: no thats not it, it was just a green plus sign u could add. i think maybe it came from that toolbar buttons add on, not sure.

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Toolbar Buttons

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Could you please put the new tab button back that you took away, or if there never was one, please, make one to compliment the undo and close tab buttons.

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Toolbar Buttons

Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Could you please put the new tab button back that you took away, or if there never was one, please, make one to compliment the undo and close tab buttons.

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Could you please put the new tab button back that you took away, or if there never was one, please, make one to compliment the undo and close tab buttons.

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Buscador de Descargas Directas

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oops it was already in the search engine, i didnt know it was supposed to integrate

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Buscador de Descargas Directas

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I get an error message saying that a search engine with the same name is already installed and that therefore it can't be installed. Seems to be referring to the search engine built into firefox.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (20101125).