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This is simply the best extension if you want to continue to use Linux at the office. Most businesses seem to have custom email stationery set up in Outlook and Thunderbird just isn't well equipped for it when run through Linux. SmartTemplate4 means that I can 'use' Calibri and other fonts when sending emails out so that I am inline with the company email style guide.

I have one little bugbear since upgrading to TB 13: It seems to append an extra newline to the beginning of emails above my template. I use the templates as the body of my emails as I need to be inside the template to use the custom styles that my company requires. Is there an obvious configuration option that I can tick somewhere?

EDIT: Marky - amazing! Thanks so much, that has just made my day!

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.9.1). 

The bugfix you are looking for is:

please remember to check the bugs starting from here

Axel, developer