Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Excellent add-on. I love it !

Just a little bug to work on. Here it is :
- An optional script (with square brackets) isn't understood when written with indented lines.
- Example:
This works :
[[<tr><td>Copy</td><td align="center">:</td><td>%cc%</td></tr>]]
But this doesn't work :
<td align="center">

I think that you exit the procedure in a premature way by encounting an "end of line" (EOL) although ONLY the detection of a "]]" should induce the exit of the optional phrase regardless the number of coded lines.

A little bug which is certainly very easy to correct.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.9.1). 

thank you for your review.
We are happy that you enjoy our work and our addon!

What you mentioned isn't an BUG, the expression inner [[...]] works only if all content is in the same line (result by design)!
You can make an Feature Request on our support page and maybe we will change this behaviour in the future

BTW: i'm really long the developer of ST4 and i don't have see such formatting before
... you never stop learning in life :)