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This add-on allowed me to easily sort my inbox based on the number of emails I received from each email address, making it easy to go through and identify the top senders. I used this to identify large groups of emails that I could delete to save space. For instance, I found that I had over 6,000 email advertisements from a Groupon email address that I could delete! Thanks for the simple, useful application!

I do have one suggestion if possible - make the frequency count go solely based on email addresses instead of the full mime2DecodedRecipients and mime2DecodedAuthor attributes. In the Groupon case I mentioned above, they had used 5 different names in association with the email address 'noreply@r.groupon.com', which meant the Sender Frequency add-on treated them as 5 unique senders.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.0.1). 

Thanks for the suggestion, the new version 1.1 only compares based on e-mail address. However, I don't find that so useful myself, since for some mailing lists all messages are now counted as if they came from the same sender since "contributor1 <list@list.com>" and "contributor2 <list@list.com>" are now counted as the same sender. I think I'll go back to my version 1.0 and will implement some preference in a future version.