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I just downloaded "Send later" add-on and it seems to be working fine.
Being a senior citizen I scheduled daily mails at 10 a.m., alerting my family members I may need their help if I was incapacitated to contact them. My intention was to cancel sending such mails each day before 10 a.m. if I was OK and did need their help on the day.
I miss an additional button in the add-on that would allow me to cancel only the next scheduled sending without affecting any future scheduled times. Is this feature a possibility? Thanks.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (9.0.9). 

Thanks for the suggestion! That's a cool idea. I've opened a ticket for us to track it at https://github.com/Extended-Thunder/send-later/issues/584 . Don't have an ETA, but we'll consider it when prioritizing future work on the add-on.
EDITED TO ADD [2023-08-26]: This is implemented in the current prerelease ( https://github.com/Extended-Thunder/send-later/releases/tag/v10.0.7 ) which will be released soon.