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Gopher support for Firefox was once a core feature. OverbiteFF restores this support to Firefox with aplomb.

This is much needed as Gopher is experiencing a minor renaissance, and with good reason! Gopher offers a contemporary alternative to the bloated web and its myriad distractions. It is bandwidth efficient and eschews the machinations of big data. As one new to gopher, I dearly appreciate the effort and attention which goes into the development of OverbiteFF.

Pros: Firefox in gopherspace. Inline file type support.
Cons: The Overbite default look is a bit blobby and webby for my taste; supposedly one can skin it. See gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/0/overbite/dbrowse?pluginm%203 But this can't be done in-addon as there is no options menu. WYSIWYG it ain't.

All in all, the OverbiteFF is an epic and needful addition to Firefox for a feature which really ought to have been supported by default.

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