Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I was looking to make Thunderbird look good once again since the designers at Mozilla keep @#*%$ing it up. I saw the first screen shot and thought this was it! This is what the default theme should be! This is the holy grail! So I Installed it and I was suddenly REALLY disappointed thinking "What a rip, this didn't fix anything at all!!!. How could this have such good reviews and get away with screen shots like that." Then I read somewhere I needed to change this line in the config editor to get the title bar back: mail.tabs.drawInTitlebar=false
BOOM! That did it! I hope someone else looking for this answer finds it, since it's not so spelled out in the about for us noobs (please add!). I would -1 star for the frustration, but this really is the theme you've been looking for once you get the title bar back in place.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.8).