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I tried to edit my previous comment to add the following lines, but was unable to do so. Hence this additional comment:

Lately Thunderbird became extremely slow. I couldn't do anything properly. Typing a few words into a new mail took minutes, trying to move a mail into a folder was trying my patience. I finally disabled mailclassifier, and suddenly everything worked fine again. Thunderbird was quick and smooth again. There still needs quite a bit to be done on this to work meaningfully. With hits less than 5%, and such an impact on Thunderbird's performance, it can't be good.
I admit that I have many (sub)folders. But that can't be the reason for the addon not working properly. I'll remove it and hope for a better version in the future.

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I'm using it under Linux Mint, Thunderbird version 3.1.8, MailClassifier version 2.1.0. So it's pretty much up to date. But it just doesn't seem to remember any of my actions. It sticks somewhere a year ago, that's my impression. It suggests to move mails to folders which I last filled many months ago. The subject line doesn't seem to have any effect (mailing list info e.g.), and so on. That it isn't really stuck I know from a changing behaviour with certain mails (I get newsletters from two online magazines, and sometimes the suggestions are being exchanged). So some "thinking" seems to be going on in the background, but definitely in the wrong direction.
It#s a pity, because the idea is just great! Since it uses quite some resources and slows down thunderbird, I consider disabling it, as it has no real benefit. It's successful only on less than 5% of my mail, and I get around 100 each day.

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I'm using it under Linux Mint, Thunderbird version 3.1.8, MailClassifier version 2.1.0. So it's pretty much up to date. But it just doesn't seem to remember any of my actions. It sticks somewhere a year ago, that's my impression. It suggests to move mails to folders which I last filled many months ago. The subject line doesn't seem to have any effect (mailing list info e.g.), and so on. That it isn't really stuck I know from a changing behaviour with certain mails (I get newsletters from two online magazines, and sometimes the suggestions are being exchanged). So some "thinking" seems to be going on in the background, but definitely in the wrong direction.
It#s a pity, because the idea is just great! Since it uses quite some resources and slows down thunderbird, I consider disabling it, as it has no real benefit. It's successful only on less than 5% of my mail, and I get around 100 each day.

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I use thunderbird with classifier 1.0.
I'm using this add-on now for quite some while (several weeks) and I am extremely disappointed. It seems as if every time I close thunderbird, all that has been done is forgotten. Just one example:
Yesterday evening, it was able to classify a few mails properly (I get a lot of mails daily, so there was enough to learn). This morning, I receive again about 20 mails with extremely varying content, one of which I move and let it classify into the folder "photography". That mail had a lot of content related to that subject. Now, all other mails that have come in have been classified the same, even though none of them is related in any way to photography.
It doesn't help much if it becomes usable only in the evening shortly before shutdown. But maybe, I did something wrong. One thing I noticed: I can not configure it in any way. Is that thought to be that way?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.5.2). 

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I use thunderbird with classifier 1.0.
I'm using this add-on now for quite some while (several weeks) and I am extremely disappointed. It seems as if every time I close thunderbird, all that has been done is forgotten. Just one example:
Yesterday evening, it was able to classify a few mails properly (I get a lot of mails daily, so there was enough to learn). This morning, I receive again about 20 mails with extremely varying content, one of which I move and let it classify into the folder "photography". That mail had a lot of content related to that subject. Now, all other mails that have come in have been classified the same, even though none of them is related in any way to photography.
It doesn't help much if it becomes usable only in the evening shortly before shutdown. But maybe, I did something wrong. One thing I noticed: I can not configure it in any way. Is that thought to be that way?

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.5.2).