Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Excellent extension that works as advertised.

Small improvement would be to allow the use of a single variable in the email field such as {{dest}}. For now it's impossible and you need to use 2 variables so the syntax is accepted by Thunderbird {{name}}<{{email}}> does work. The problem only arises in Windows, single variable use does work in Xubuntu.

Other suggestion: could you please make MailMerge useable from command-line ? I have my CSV ready, template ready, attachements ready, all batch... and then need to set all settings manually in MailMerge GUI... I would love to be able to populate the Outbox automatically in "send later" mode from the command line... just having to check if all is fine.

Opening the right MailMerge template is already possible from the command line using the "thunderbird -mail <id>" option... but massing the few required MailMerge options is missing (source type, source file, attach or none,...) That would be so great ! (Or the ability to record these MailMerge settings in the email template metadata and load it automatically on mail merge?)

Thanks anyway! Really love it !

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