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Tried all the other TB Aero fixes, but I like this the best.One little problem is the "Send all" icon. It appears to be too small and doesn't align with all the others. (Is it just me?)Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v164/sunstate/tb_icons.jpg

Edit: Sorry, should have mentioned that the icon is from the MagicSLR addon. It appears normally in XP, but not in Win7.

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In general, the rating feature is a great way to share issues with other users, but it is more easy for the developer if bugs/glitches are (also?) reported to the support eMail adress (right side of AddOn's description), in order to have a good two-way communication.

Back to topic: It's quite difficult for me to find this glitch (if it is one), because I don't have a "Send all" icon. Could you describe how / where I can find it?