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Doesn't work anymore under thunderbird 91.2.1 (64-Bit).

Emails get destroid: all header informations are gone after applying changes. The changed header infos apear instead as the email content... while the former content (email Text) is gone!

Edit: apparently it only does that in google mailboxes. Developers, please clarify?

Current workaround: COPY the mail to change from the google imap mailbox to Thunderbirds local folders, change the header or whatever needs changing and copy it back to the google imap area.

Edit 2022
issue does't exist anymore in plugin "Header Tools Improved" and I don't use "Header Tools Lite" anymore. If anyone encounters the same issue, give "Header Tools Improved" a try

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (1.5.5). 

Thanks for the info. We are using a standard internal TB function: createMessageFromFile. If that fails, there may be an error in TB 91.
As a workaround/precaution, you can use options to set that the original mail is not deleted when changing headers. At least, that will prevent loss of emails.
I think something is special with GMail using unified folders, so that might be a reason. I will try to find out.