Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

I can't believe you need an add-on for something as simple as this in this bloody thunderbug.

Here is what you should do to get rid of annoying zeros.

Find "extra-cols@jminta_gmail.com\chrome\content" folder. It is inside "extensions" folder.

Open "main.js" with wordpad (make a copy first).


case "folderTotalCol":
return fixNum(this._folder.getTotalMessages(false));


case "folderTotalCol":
if (fixNum(this._folder.getTotalMessages(false)) > 0)
return fixNum(this._folder.getTotalMessages(false));

I don't know javascript but this worked for me. I am not responsible if it drinks your beer, blows up your pc, shags your wife or kills your dog.


Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.2).