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While upgrading to thunderbird 115.2.3 , I can't send email any longer but I can receive.

OS: Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon, exquilla version 115.2

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (115.2). 


I've just tested it, and it works for me. We'd need more information from you to help you.

You didn't send us any details. Please give us more information about the problem. We cannot reproduce the problem, and without information from you, we cannot help you.

* Which error message do you get? Please send the exact error message, so that we can understand why it doesn't work. If you get no error, then please describe the symptoms in detail, why you say "it doesn't send". What do you see?
* Which Thunderbird and ExQuilla version did you use before? Did you upgrade both at the same time, or did you use ExQuilla 115.2 already with the previous Thunderbird version and upgraded only Thunderbird now?
* What is your server?
* Do you have other accounts configured in Thunderbird?
* Please send the list of SMTP servers configured in Thunderbird. Please see https://support.beonex.com/help/en-us/2-setup/11-i-can-receive-email-but-i-cannot-send-any-emails
* Please include the Error Console output, and the ExQuilla Error Log, both reachable from the Thunderbird menu.

UPDATE: It seems it works for you now. Thanks for the update from your side!