Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

Lots of critique on cosmetic decisions:

- option "size of progress bar" (buttons "smaller"-"larger"), is dysfunctional here. the bar is always the same size. [but might perhaps be due to 3rd party TB-skin configuration add-ons?]

- I'd prefer color and layout choices for better contrast/readability. currently, there are 2 completely different layouts, one lime-green-number-on-native-skin-background (main window) and the other black-number-squeezed-into-bar-on-solid-green-background (read-message-window). in both cases, the chosen combination is mediocre.

- if there wouldn't be this 1990ies-"glow" effect in the bar which is frequently sort of grabbing my attention (if this is about synchronization acitivity: better to replace it by info only in case of syn-failure.)

but technically it runs well, so far [v0.3.8 installed on good ole TB60.9.1 only two hours ago]

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (0.3.8). 

Hello Revisor,

The resizing has been broken for a while, I removed it in the new version (TB68 compatible).

The "glow" effect on the bar is the Windows' default skinning. It won't happen anymore with the new version since I'm now using Thunderbird's skin to display the bar.