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Edit: Tried 4.9 and it is just not my thing. It looks like a dirty spot on my monitor screen. I have always supported your work, and even though I have moved on to a new theme, I will check back from time to time to see if you have come to your senses. Ha ha.

Sorry man, but version 4.8 is ruined by the strange logo in the title bar. It breaks up the flow, and well it is ugly, it draws your eyes to itself, and it is just plain out of place and weird. I switched back to 4.6.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (4.8). 

Of course I respect your opinion, but I like my logo. I want it to be a bit strange :) In the new version of the theme (4.9) I slightly smoothed it out, maybe you'll like it now.