Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

Great addon that I rely on heavily, so thanks for the work!

I just have the same issue/request as mentioned in Michal's review from Jan. 22: I am using TB's unified Inbox, which will use the default account when composing a new email (or the account an email arrived in when replying). I can then change which identity and account to actually send from via the "From:" dropdown, but copysent2current does not take that selection into account and will always copy the mail to the original default.

It would be great if the "From:" selection could be honored in deciding which folder to copy into. I have "Choose target folder after sending" selected, but still defaults to the original target, not what the "From:" would dictate. This used to work in versions before TB 78.

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (3.10). 

Please contact me by email. I have some questions concerning this issue.