Рейтинг 3 из 5 звёзд

[... I'm so happy to find it updated...]
Where did you find the update? It still says "compatible with Thunderbird 60.0" :-(

PS 5 star for the old plugin. 0 star for never coming update

Это отзыв для предыдущей версии этого дополнения (  Этот пользователь оставил другие отзывы на это дополнение.

Did you read the disclaimer at all ? It says :
"INFO: New Version -> Download here manually : https://lab5.ch/colored-folders.html ... while the new version on thunderbird.net is still in review."

We all must wait here now until the Thunderbird team gives it's "OK and realeases the new version / changes the status of the already uploaded new version to 'public' here. The new version is already uploaded here and waiting for the approval. There is nothing I can do about that, I have to wait, just as you.

But in the meantime to can download it from my website and simply install it manually.